Monday, October 11, 2010

Week #2 - Introduction to Blogs

Welcome to adrianswebtwopointzeroblog. I figured for my first post it was probably a good idea to answer the questions asked in the lesson for this week.
  • What do you hope to learn from the program?: I hope to discover some new web 2.0 technologies as well as some new things I didn't know about web 2.0 tecnologies that I already use.

  • What do you think about Lifelong Learning?: I am a big fan of the concept of lifelong learning. My major aspirations for the future are becoming more adept at playing the piano, learning Mandarin and memorizing some more poems. I havent signed any contracts for these yet, but I do have a toolkit set up for a couple of them.

  • What other blogs have you discovered? What do you like about them?: I have discovered a huge number of great blogs on the net. One of my most frequented would be Stack Overflow. This is a programming q & a blog and helps me heaps with my javascripting. The number of contrubutors and amount of info makes it an important resource for me. Also the Cockburn Libraries Public Blog is a pretty amazing blog to visit.

  • Can you see a use for blogs inside the Library?: I know blogs have a huge role in the library of today and will have many unforseen uses in the library of the future. In fact, I think the blog should play a large role in any organization that manages a number of staff.

  • How about blogging for a client audience?: Much like blogging for the purposes of keeping staff informed and up to date, blogs can and should serve the same purpose for clients. Increasing use of RSS and other web 2.0 technologies and compatible hardware such as smart phones and ipads etc. means that clients can be notified/informed/kept up to date anywhere and at any time using the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to Cockburn Libraries Public Blog. It realy is fantastic.
