Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week #5 - Wikis

Wikis look like they are a great way to present huge amounts of information in a fairly ordered way. The thing I like about them is that without much effort you can create a fairly functional site for all of your info. Those that want to put in more effort can get excellent results without being masters of web design. The Twilight wiki is a great example of this, however, unlike a website, the information on this blog is no doubt more dynamic/diverse/up-to-date because of multiple editors.

It seems as if a wiki could really evolve and take on a life of its own if given a bit of a push. I like the idea of starting a publicly available wiki on general library information (events, authors, good reads etc.) and seeing where it evolves to with input from staff and the public.


  1. Hey Adrian, I agree with you, Wikis are great and will become very popular in the future. I also like the fact that you can work together to make it a success.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Seriously. Lets do it. You and me, man. That'd be a great idea. Seriously. Lets go.
    (Im being serious- would be a good idea and we should get one going..)

  4. Oh, and my iPad (namedrop!) hates all you people with your flash clocks and feed the fishie things. Just my iPad though. I still love you all.

  5. Yeah about those fishies. Where d'ya get em. All the cool kids have them, I want some too.

  6. ...fishies - surely when everyone has them they stop being cool (like blogs)

  7. yeah, the fish were only cool when I had them. They stopped being cool when anyone else got them. (although I think Maya had them before me). So maybe I'm not cool. I hate the way blogs make you reasess your opinion of yourself.

  8. Michael, I am up for getting a wiki started. I'll send ya an email.
